3 puppies were rescued by MDDB recently and needs a foster home ASAP! They're about 2 months old. Puppies can be fostered together or seperately.
To foster please contact Christine - 0123739007.
Animals can't speak up for themselves so we have to be their voices. Adopt a homeless animal or just simply lend a helping hand to curb the stray problem.
3 puppies were rescued by MDDB recently and needs a foster home ASAP! They're about 2 months old. Puppies can be fostered together or seperately.
To foster please contact Christine - 0123739007.
Hey everyone!
There will be an adoption drive on Sunday, 16th of May 2010 organized by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better or MDDB at Summit USJ. Do come to support, volunteer and of course, ADOPT! :) I will probably be volunteering as well.
For more info visit : www.malaysiandogsdeservebetter.blogspot.com
See you guys!
5 cats are scheduled to be put to sleep by friday (7th May 2010).
Fosterers needed ASAP!
Please let me know.
I've named her TWIX (after the chocolate)
Age : 3 months+
Sex : Female
- shy at first but once familiar she's very energetic, playful and eager to learn
- needs someone RESPONSIBLE who is able to give her lots of attention as well as train her
- Gets along great with other dogs
To adopt contact Christine : 0123739007
I've set up this page mainly to post up animals for adoption. Will put up articles from time to time on animal (mainly dogs and cats) care and also events organised by animal welfare groups.
Those who know me would know the extent of my love for animals and the reason behind me setting this up. Animals and getting involved in volunteer work have changed my perception of life in ways that i couldn't even imagine. In my experienced i have met different types of people, both pleasant and unpleasant.
I've always been questioned as to why mixed breed animals are being put up for adoption and why there aren't any pure breeds around and where to get them. Mixed breeds are also always thought of as hard to train or a hassle due to limited knowledge of parentage history.
Before asking which one is "better", ask yourself this. There are many people in the world. MOST of them nowadays are of mixed parentage. Does that mean that for example, if someone was mixed chinese and indian that he/she would be less human than someone that is "pure" chinese/indian? Is a fair skinned person any different than someone that is dark skinned?
The same thing goes for animals. Just becase they are of a mixed breed and they look different does not make them any less of who they really are. If you get a pure bred and do not train it well, it will still turn out misbehaved. The problem is not in the animals. It is in the people. If a 5 year old kid misbehaves, do you blame the parents or the kid? You need to understand the behaviour of your pet and try to figure out ways around it.
If however you feel as if you cannot tolerate having a pet and want to let it go to the streets, try putting yourself in it's position. Would you like it if someone threw you out without explaining why? Talk to someone experienced.
Do not make assumptions based on what you have heard from others. Experience and learn it yourself. Being different is never a bad thing. If everyone in the world behaved exactly the same, it would be a very boring place.
Think about it.
Animals can't speak up for themselves so we have to be their voices. Adopt a homeless animal or just simply lend a helping hand. Every little bit counts and will be appreciated!